Mihail Calarașan – documentary photographer


About Me

Mihail Calarașan – documentary photographer, based in Chisinau, Moldova. Was born in Transnistria in 1993. Since the fall of 2017, he hasbeen working on a permanent basis with the Moldovan magazine “Oameni și Kilometri” as a photographer and journalist. Also, starting the same year, he has been working on long-term documentary projects about the Ukrainian Carpathians, Transnistria and Gagauzia.



2016 – "Chisinau Is A Ghost: A Photo Essay By Mihail Kalarashan" – PostPravda Magazine;

2017 – "15 ani de liniște" – Oameni și Kilometri;

2018 – "15 лет тишины: Как выглядит жизнь отшельника" – Bird in Flight;

• 2018 – "100ft" – Dodho Magazine;

• 2019 – "15 Years of silence" – Dodho Magazine;

• 2019 – "15 лет тишины / Как выглядит быт отшельника в молдавском селе" – RTVI;

• 2019 – "Moldova cu pașaportu-n dinți" – DOR.ro;

• 2019 – "Când vom muri nici nu a avea cine ne săpa groapa" – DOR.ro;

• 2019 – "Человек без родины: Михаил Каларашан о Приднестровье, идентичности и фотопленке" – NewsMaker.md.

• 2019 – Timpuri Noi – interview with Mikhail Kalarashan – Timpuri Noi.

• 2019 – «Мы попали на нехорошую землю». Истории людей и воды в селе Гайдар на юге Молдовы – NewsMaker.md.

2020 – "Где твоя родина, сынок" – Bird in Flight.

• 2020 – "Omul fără patrie" – DoR.ro

• 2020 – "Локдаун-таун. Как живет молдавский уездный город K и его люди во время эпидемии" – NewsMaker.md.

• 2020 – "My Transnistria: the photographer who grew up alongside breakaway state" – The Calvert Journal.

• 2020 – "Приднестровская травма. За что мы воевали на Днестре" – NewsMaker.md.

• 2020 – "Artista de 100 de ani care a pictat o lume liberă în Moldova sovietică" – Scena9.

• 2020 – "The Independent is Political" – Revista Arta.

• 2021 – "Transnistria: The man without a homeland" – Private.

• 2021 – "Mikhail Kalarashan · Transnistria. Exploring regional identity." – analog magazine.

• 2021 – "Человек без родины. Что значит родиться и вырасти в Приднестровье?" – republic.ru.

• 2021 – "Mensch ohne Heimat" – деkoder.

• 2022 – "Every Place Has Everything You Need" – Scena9.

• 2022 – „Aici nu plouă aproape niciodată.” Un an în Tülü Küü, Găgăuzia" – Scena9.


• 2013 - "Foto.Obraz" July-August, Moscow;

• 2014 - "Omul merge după soare", Zpaţiu, Chisinau;

• 2014 - "On the banks of the freedom river Dniester", Palace of the Republic, Tiraspol;

• 2015 - "Arc de Triomphe", Grand-Hall, Chisinau;

• 2016 - "We love Bucovina", Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

• 2017 - "Realitati", Chisinau, Soroca, Cahul, Moldova.

• 2018 - "Transnistria Seen From Within: a portrait by young photographers“, Berlin, Germany.

• 2019 - "Realitati 2", Chisinau, Soroca, Cahul, Balti, Ialoveni Moldova.

• 2021 - "The Summer of Independence", Arbor.art.room Bucharest, Romania.

• 2021 - "Rada" – Moldox Festival, Cahul, Moldova.

• 2022 - "Rada" – National Museum of Arts Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova.

• 2023 - "On the other side of the continent" – Pension Homeland, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

• 2023 - “Beyond Photography/Tulu Kuu" –  National Museum of Arts Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova.

• 2024 - “RAW/Moldova" –  EuropeCafe, Chisinau, Moldova.

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